Monday, May 4, 2015

                                                                   Artist Reflection

  The strongest aspect of my work is the dolphin that I painted. I think it is the strongest because I had to paint the Dolphin just based off of the regular picture. The aspect that can be improved in my digital painting is the ocean in the back, it looks cool but I feel like there could be more of a ocean ripple pattern in it that could make it look more realistic.

  The easiest thing about this project was absorbing the color with the eyedropper tool. It was the easiest because all you had to do was absorb color from the original picture than you used mixer brush tool and blended the colors together. The most difficult part of this project was trying to blend them just right. You had to blend the colors together so that they looked realistic.

  I demonstrated the objective by using eyedropper tool to absorb the color from the original and than used the mix paint brush to paint the colors onto the layer I was painting my digital painting on and did that multiple times. If I could do this activity again I would change the picture that I did to something a little better and maybe something that can be a little more challenging next time.

1 comment:

  1. Creativity: 4
    Effort: 4
    MO: 4
    Progression: 4
    Conclusion: 4
