Monday, May 18, 2015

                                                                  Artist Reflection

The strongest aspect of my work is the turtle body. It's the strongest aspect because it is the base of the rest of the body, the dog head and dog tail. An aspect that can be improved on is the blending of the tail into the turtle body. It can be improved on because its not blended very well.

The easiest thing about this project was picking the animals that you wanted and playing with them to see how it could be good together. The most difficult part of this project was trying to get them to blend nicely together. It was hard to get a color that would match the turtle skin for the dog head so the dog head wasn't white and so it didn't look weird.

I demonstrated the objective by using the stamp tool and the healing brush. I used the stamp tool by copying the eye from the turtle and put it on the dog head to make it look like the dog has turtle eyes. I also used the stamp tool for taking the print of the turtles neck and I put it on the dog neck and blended it together to make it look realistic. I used the healing brush by painting the cheetah print on the turtle shell.

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