Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Photography 4 Contact Sheet/Print Assignment

    The strongest technical aspect of my work would be my print because its the image on the large piece of paper and it shows the image clearly. It contains black, white and gray. The strongest technical aspect that can be improved on is maybe making the print a little lighter.

    The easiest thing about this art activity was taking the pictures for the assignment. It was the easiest because we could be creative with taking the pictures and you could do whatever you wanted to if it looked interesting. The most difficult thing about this art activity was making the test strips and seeing what f stop to put it on.

   I demonstrated the objective for this project by making the test strips, contact sheets and the print of the negative that came out the best. If I could do this art activity again I would change the border around the image to make there be less white and more of the image itself.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Photography 4 Coffee Camera

    The strongest technical aspect of my work is the 5x7 image because it has black gray and white in it. The picture is of Brian standing in front of a brick building. The picture was taken from a coffee camera which we had to make. The technical aspect that can be worked on is the test strip because the test strip fell a little.

   The easiest thing about this art activity was making the images in the coffee camera. The most difficult thing about this art activity was trying to position the paper to make sure it got the whole body. Also making sure that no light got exposed to the paper before it got put in the camera.

   I demonstrated the objective by having gray, white and black in the coffee camera pictures and knowing how long to have light shine on the image. If I could do something over again I would change the angle of the pictures and make sure they are positioned in the right place.