Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Photography 4 Assignment 2

Artist Reflection

  The strongest aspect in my work is the pink flower. Its the strongest aspect because its pink and the rest of the image is black and white. The aspect that can be improved is maybe adding some light pink color into the background. 

  The easiest thing about the art activity was painting the color back onto the flower. It was the easiest  because all you had to do was paint in the flower. The difficult part of this art activity was nothing it was pretty easy. 

  I demonstrated the objective in this art activity by desaturating the picture and screen shooting it than painting the color back onto the image. If I could do the art activity again I would change where I colored the picture in and maybe paint another flower. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Photography 4 Assignment 1

  The strongest aspect of my work would defiantly the flowers. I think the flowers because they are the main focus of the picture and the color is a bright pink and it draws you to the picture. An aspect that can be improved in my art work is the sky because it is kind of plain. It is a nice shade of blue and its vibrant there just needs to be more going on in the sky.

  The easiest thing about this activity was taking the picture itself. Its a nice picture of flowers and it was an easy picture to take. The difficult thing about this art activity was painting the picture and trying to see what filters would look good with the picture and each object in the picture.

  I demonstrated the objective in this art activity by painting all the objects in the picture and making them brighter and more vibrant and i used positive color like bright pink, bright blue, and bright green to make all the colors pop. If i could do this art activity again, I would change the colors of the flowers to maybe a lighter pink.